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Öffentliche Sicherheit und Katastrophenschutz, Finanz- und Versicherungswesen, Veranstaltungen, Security, Wach- und Schließdienste, Fahrkartenprüfdienste und andere


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Unsere Kunden zählen zu den TOP-Unternehmen Ihrer Branche. Wer auf Weltklasse-Niveau spielt, braucht auch erstklassige Partner!

Egal ob Arbeitsschutz, Umweltschutz oder Qualitätsmanagement, das Managementsystem muss Sinn ergeben. Es muss als Arbeitswerkzeug funktionieren, das nicht nur die Zufriedenheit der Kunden, sondern auch die der Mitarbeiter verbessert.

Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Managementsysteme nur richtig funktionieren können, wenn Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte vollständig in den Entstehungsprozess mit eingebunden werden.

Was sind Ihre Ziele?

Interim - Notdienst
Ein erfahrener Partner für Ihr Projekt

Für ein Projekt kann man keinen neuen HSE Manager oder eine Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit einstellen. Aber um SiGe-Plan, Brandschutz, Arbeitsschutz und Umweltschutz auf der Baustelle nebenbei zu erledigen ist das Projekt zu wichtig.

Wir unterstützen Sie zeitnah mit Branchenerfahrenen Fachkräften, dort wo Sie uns brauchen.


Dawid Zenk Avatar Dawid Zenk
Juni 20, 2024

Great people, great service. Absolute recommendation, gladly again!

Chantal Röper Avatar Chantal Röper
Oktober 19, 2022

I highly recommend the training

Jacek Gorgol Avatar Jacek Gorgol
Juli 19, 2023

Very useful information, professionally provided.

Edi M Avatar Edi M
Juni 14, 2024

Mr. Rotter helped me at the last minute with my business start-up. He was very helpful, even if it was a lot of work for him due to the time pressure, he arranged everything that was important and was always very courteous. I wouldn't go to any other management consultancy.

Ulrike Leyhe Avatar Ulrike Leyhe
September 29, 2021

Very professional, understandable and practical training. Always my pleasure.

Steffen Schreiber Avatar Steffen Schreiber
Juni 23, 2023

Eine sehr interessante & anschauliche Unterweisung. Selbst für „unerfahrene“ Mitarbeiter interessant & vereinfacht erklärt. Gerne wieder!

Mihi Klee Avatar Mihi Klee
August 2, 2022

The course was informative, instructive and absolutely fine. Neither sluggish nor too fast. Top

Bianca Baues Avatar Bianca Baues
August 2, 2022

Professional training. Thank you very much.

Katrin Ludwig Avatar Katrin Ludwig
Februar 14, 2022

Das Seminar war sehr Aufschlussreich und lersam.

Hans Georg Siemer Avatar Hans Georg Siemer
August 9, 2022

Very good company can only be recommended!!!

Taru Kan Avatar Taru Kan
Mai 17, 2024

Mr. Rotter helped me with my start-up at the last minute. He was very helpful, even if it was definitely time-consuming for him due to the time pressure, he initiated everything important and was always very courteous. I wouldn't go to any other management consultancy.

Ulrike Leyhe Avatar Ulrike Leyhe
September 29, 2021

Die Schulung, RSA 21, war sehr hilfreich für mich, als Neuling. Sehr gut erklärt und alle Fragen wurde gleich beantwortet. Großen Dank an Enrico.

Giuseppe Avatar Giuseppe
Mai 24, 2024

Everything went well and was explained very professionally. If you want to find out more about the STVO and RSA, you've come to the right place 👍

Ens Avatar Ens
Januar 28, 2023

A very interesting and clear tutorial. Interesting & simplified even for "inexperienced" employees. Gladly again!

Mihi Klee Avatar Mihi Klee
August 2, 2022

Fast, professional, clear. thanks

Trybik Avatar Trybik
Januar 27, 2023

I did my RSA training online with you. I'm really positively surprised. Everything explained well. Take a lot of time to ask your own questions.

Heiko Maaser Avatar Heiko Maaser
Juni 12, 2024

Everything worked out very professionally if you want to know more about the STVO and RSA, this is the right place for you 👍

Ens Avatar Ens
Januar 28, 2023

Very great training 👍 It was a lot of fun and very well organized.

René Meyer Avatar René Meyer
Mai 24, 2024

I recommend the training, which was very well conducted

Jacek Gorgol Avatar Jacek Gorgol
Juli 19, 2023

Der Lehrgang war informativ, lehrreich und absolut in Ordnung. Weder träge noch zu flott. Top

Bianca Baues Avatar Bianca Baues
August 2, 2022

Sehr gute firma kann man nur empfehlen!!!

Taru Kan Avatar Taru Kan
Mai 17, 2024

The training, RSA 21, was very helpful for me as a newbie. Very well explained and all questions were answered straight away. Big thanks to Enrico.

Giuseppe Avatar Giuseppe
Mai 24, 2024

Very well explained and very nice.

Edgor Garwal Avatar Edgor Garwal
November 3, 2023

Great course. was fun

Jörg Eisenkrätzer Avatar Jörg Eisenkrätzer
August 11, 2022

Good work safety instruction!

Tim Hellbach Avatar Tim Hellbach
Oktober 28, 2021

Was able to take a lot with me & Enrico is a cool guy.

David Matthies Avatar David Matthies
Juni 12, 2024

Sehr gut erklärt und verständlich. 👍🏼

Lisa-Marie Neumann Avatar Lisa-Marie Neumann
August 10, 2022


michel jung Avatar michel jung
März 17, 2023

I can't judge whether professionals will be happy here, as I'm not one, but it's definitely highly recommended for beginners. strong team, very nice atmosphere and have already learned a lot of technology and also got to know completely new perspectives. just crazy. I'm really looking forward to coming back when Corona allows it

Foppi LeFopp Avatar Foppi LeFopp
März 8, 2021

I can't judge for myself whether professionals will be happy here, since I'm not one, but it is definitely highly recommended for beginners. strong team, very nice atmosphere and already learned a lot of technology and also got to know completely new perspectives. just crazy. I am very much looking forward to being able to come back if Corona allows it

Foppi LeFopp Avatar Foppi LeFopp
März 8, 2021

Professional advice - competent and to the point. The managing director, Mr. Florian Rotter, was also available personally at any time. Gladly again!

pro-medi GmbH Avatar pro-medi GmbH
März 19, 2021


Tomasz Bartków Avatar Tomasz Bartków
Juni 20, 2024

Mr. Rotter helped me start my business at the last minute. He was very helpful, even though it was definitely time-consuming for him due to the time pressure, he got everything important done and was always very accommodating. I wouldn't go to any other management consultancy.

Ulrike Leyhe Avatar Ulrike Leyhe
September 29, 2021

Great company. Top notch team!!

Jan Schmeier Avatar Jan Schmeier
August 4, 2023

Professionelle Schulung. Besten Dank.

Katrin Ludwig Avatar Katrin Ludwig
Februar 14, 2022

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